Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Finally, made it to the blog world.

To start, I'd like to explain just a bit about why I started this blog. Here is a quick description of my situation:

I am a student at Oregon State. I live in a co-op where I share a room with six people. To make a long story short, about two years ago I was diagnosed with celiac disease. This means I can not eat gluten and am sensitive to contamination. Also, I cannot eat dairy due to the fact that it gives me pretty bad eczema. Anyways, for the past two years it was fairly easy, living at home with my family who gave me a lot of support in dealing with my allergies and we kept gluten out of the house.

 Fast forward to now: The co-op I live in has an amazing cook, but unfortunately I cannot eat the house's food due to the risk of contamination. I need my own dishes, pots and pans to keep gluten totally out of my body.

So i cook for myself, every day! Which is not a bad thing, I love to cook and I love to eat! However, the only space I have for food is one mini-fridge. Not one of the teensy ones, one of the medium sized ones you might find in the office. I also have to carry all the ingredients down to the kitchen, and back up to my room (on the third floor) every night.

Moral of this long saga, I keep it simple and healthy. I love writing new recipes and sharing them with friends, family, and whoever wants to listen! So here I am, entering the blog world, hoping to help with anyones goals of healthy, whole and simple cooking! Enjoy!

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